
Showing posts from October, 2019


Hello everyone🙋!    I hope you’re all good. Today,we’re going to talk about 21 st  century and learning.    As time goes on, everything changes in the world. We must be aware of the 21 st  century and it’s requirements in terms of education and technology.    We have four key words to help us:     To improve these skills and build up a new generation which is proper for this century ‘s requirements, our teaching strategies must be related to these skills.   In the 20 st  century, the methods were limited. The teachers were the centre of the class. So,the students weren’t active. How can we expect from the students to have these skills if we go on in the same ways?    In our classes, students should be more active and they should be the doers. We, teachers, should show the ways and guide them. We can use activities in the class and make them work together. By sharing their ideas with each other, they can learn how to think from different perspectives. If


  Hello everyone🙋!   Welcome to my blog! I’m Tuba Karaca and I’m studying at the Department of English Language Teaching in Marmara University.   It’s my second year at school and I have a lesson called Educational Technologies. I opened this blog for some specific purposes. I’m going to share with you my expriences, ideas and the new things I learn as a learner and as a teacher  from future.   The topics will be related to education, learning, teaching, technology and these kinds of things . I hope you’ll enjoy and the posts will be helpful for all of us.   See you soon!       ✉PS :    To get the sources of the images, you can click on them.