Hello everyone🙋!
  We’re at the end of the term and I’m here with my last post.😭
  When I heard about the course Educational Technologies at the beginning of the term, I thought that it would be so boring and challenging for me but I was wrong!
  I was waiting for some classic topics about technology but I’ve learned and I’ve accomplished a lot of different and interesting things.
  First of all, when our teacher said that we were going to create our own blog pages, I was worried.
  I was afraid of technology. To be honest, I’m not that close to it but I don’t have any fear anymore because I’ve seen that I could do something  on this platform. I can create, design, share the things which are beneficial both for me as a student and for my future teaching career.
  When I started to do something on my blog, I realized that every task became easier for me day by day. When I go back and look at my first post, I can realize the difference. I’ve became aware of the fact that knowing and teaching aren’t enough to be a teacher today. We must find beneficial and enjoyable ways for our students to show that learning a language can be fun. Maybe I can be the one who destructs the barriers made of fears of language learning, who knows?😏
  I had a lot of fun while doing all these things. The most difficult part was collaboration because I’m a person who loves planning, doing stuffs and working on my own. Maybe we could do them as an individual. Though, it showed me that when we work collaboratively, we have a task which has lots of parts from different perspectives.
  The best task for me was creating an infographic. I was amazed with the things that I could use to create my own task and it was so enjoyable.
  I honestly say that I’m going to use most of the things that we’ve done in my future classes if I can have enough opportunities. It was so exciting and enthusiastic journey and a great experience for me!
  Lastly, thank you all for your companionship during this journey.
  See you🙋!
  Thank you for your time, as always!😢


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